DMX 512 (Digital Multiplex) is a lighting standard used in film and theatre for set and stage lighting. It is also widely used for domestic and commercial lighting projects.

Sunricher stocks everything you need to complete your DMX control system. This includes wall panels, handsets, decoders and converters. Perfect for effortlessly controlling LED lighting with a DMX control system.

512 is the number of channels on your controller. The DMX 512 Controller sends a DMX packet of information down the DMX line to the DMX input on the decoder. All decoders can then be daisy-chained together with a DMX cable which is the same as a screened microphone cable. The cable for DMX should be a screened cable with + and - connections and an outer screen.

DMX LED controllers are a perfect solution for controlling multiple light fixtures easily, with stylish and simple control units. It is a hardwired system that is ideal for professional lighting control such as live shows or production lights.

For more installation tips and advice, please speak to our technical sales team. Either by telephone, email or live chat on our website.